Monday, September 14, 2009

Catching Up

It has been FOREVER since I've posted anything on our blog, almost a year actually. WOW what a difference a year makes! We welcomed our little Emma Grace into the world on November 21, 2008 and it has certainly been a wonderful and sometimes stressful journey but there isn't a thing that I would change. To look at her, you would never know there was anything different with her, actually from the moment she was born she seemed to push forward. She continues to amaze us everyday and now she's mobile so there seems to be no stopping her! She started crawling...forward I might add....on August 31 and it was so amazing to see her little face light up. She had been going backwards for a while now and getting frustrated because the toys would just get further and further out of reach. Now she takes off towards everything and is getting so much faster everyday!

She recently had surgery to correct her tongue tie, which took everyone a while to figure out was even there. She had been sloooowly gaining weight and it seemed to come up at every doctor's visit and no amount of extra formula seemed to help because when she did nurse she was really having to work at it. But now that they clipped it, she's been doing so much better with nursing and has really blossomed since then. I joke all the time that they wheeled back my baby into surgery and brought me a different little girl! In one week she gave up her paci, started talking, stopped liking baby food, got scared of the dark and being alone and learned how to crawl!! She seriously had an agenda!

She's doing so great in everything right now and I feel like the closer we get to her first birthday surprisingly I'm getting more nervous! I think the anticipation of will she walk or won't she is almost always present in my thoughts and I find myself thinking about it more and more. She had a PT evaluation and for now they don't recommend any PT....again the old "wait and see" if she wants to try and walk. She has hyperflexion in her ankles and minimal heel cord tightness but she seems to be developing within her age range which is great to hear. We go to clinic on Sept 24 and we have a lot of questions this time. We've heard braces mentioned but she was so little last time and I'm hoping to get a better idea of when that may be a possibility. When you stand her up she doesn't mind bearing the weight on her legs at all but she puts her little feet together and really doesn't budge them. But she's got the crawling down pat and is pulling up to her knees, which scares her mommy to death!! But she's definitely got some motivation and I love seeing that.

As far as her bladder and kidneys go, we're still cathing four times a day and she's still doing well tolerating us. Our biggest issue right now is getting her to lay still, she wants to flip over! So we've got a few toys and things she loves to hold while we cath. I know soon those won't work and we'll be on to something new but for now it's working. I think we've got her bowel management worked out pretty well too. She drinks plumsmart juice and pear juice and they both really help out. As long as she's drinking a fair amount a day she doesn't get constipated.

Over all, Emma is doing awesome!! We worry about things non-stop with her and that will proabaly never change. I think our biggest obstacle has been learning to enjoy the wonderful moments and not let the "what ifs" get in the way of that. She is such a happy little girl and our whole family is completely head over heels!